Research & Reports


Loyalty360 reports on news and trends related to loyalty marketing, customer loyalty, customer engagement, customer experience, CRM, voice of the customer and more. Our ongoing coverage is of interest to marketers and operations professionals in any industry.

CMO Challenge: The Challenge of Data, Analytics and Creating Insight

Data is the engine that drives the level of marketing sophistication now needed to engage customers in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving...

Loyalty Today


Read the latest from industry experts and our members in Loyalty360's Loyalty Today and Loyalty Management Magazine sections

3 Ways to Ignite the Spark of Emotional Engagement in Your Customers

Do you want your customers to feel emotionally engaged with your brand? Of course you do. Neuroscientists have proven, through fMRI brain-imaging...


Signal is a global leader in real-time, people-based marketing. We provide a single platform that helps marketers provide today’s consumers with unified, relevant experiences across channels and devices to drive increased engagement, loyalty and conversions.  Our platform allows brands to:    --Stream customer engagement...
